Leicestershire County Council – RECYCLING & WASTE
Recycling and Waste
All of the recycling and household waste sites close at 4pm over the winter months (on the days they’re usually open) last admittance is at 3.55pm. As always, please check LCC website in preparation for your visit as some sites are unable to accept certain materials and in extreme cases sites may have to be closed until there is sufficient capacity to run them safely.
Disposal of batteries – reminder that discarded batteries can cause fires. Information on how to recycle batteries correctly can be found on the Take Charge site. General information on recycling can be found on our Welcome to Lesswaste site.
Halloween celebrations. REDUCE food waste by eating leftover pumpkins; REUSE costumes and decorations and as above RECYCLE batteries safely. For those who have carved, but have not eaten their pumpkins, a Pumpkin Smash is being held by a Leicestershire Master Composter to help people reduce their waste. The Pumpkin Smash encourages residents to bring pumpkins that have not been eaten for smashing and composting in a fun morning activity on Saturday 9th November at 10.30-12.30, Stokes Wood Allotment, LE3 9BR. More information on how to have a fun but lower waste Halloween can be found here https://www.lesswaste.org.uk/2024/09/19/halloween-waste/