Markfield Parish Neighbourhood Plan: Housing Site Assessment – Call for Sites
Following a positive referendum result (on 9 September 2021), on 10 September 2021 Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council ‘made’ The Markfield Parish Neighbourhood Plan and it became part of the Borough’s Development Plan. Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council is responsible for determining most planning applications, but in Markfield Neighbourhood Area, the policies in the Neighbourhood Plan form the basis of those decisions along with the adopted Hinckley and Bosworth Local Plan and other material considerations.
The Markfield Parish Neighbourhood Plan was prepared having regard to the emerging Hinckley and Bosworth Local Plan, but delays in its preparation have raised concerns about the protections offered by the current Neighbourhood Plan. This affects the Neighbourhood Plan’s housing policies in particular, but other changes are needed to keep the plan up-to-date.
Further housing may need to be provided as part of the Neighbourhood Plan Review. New housing can be an emotive subject for any parish, especially when so much development is already planned. By going through a fair and transparent housing site assessment process, the council aims to deliver an evidence-based, robust and sustainable Neighbourhood Plan for Markfield Parish.
If you are a landowner or developer and would like your site considered, please email before 30th November 2023