Parish Councillor Vacancy
Do you want to serve your local community and make a positive difference?
If so, there is currently a vacancy for one Councillor on the Parish Council. This is a voluntary (unpaid) position, and you will be representing the parishioners of Markfield by raising and discussing issues of interest on which the Parish Council is empowered to act or be consulted on. Applicants should note that Councillors are required to attend monthly Council meetings, usually on the first Tuesday of the month in the evenings and are invited to attend a monthly meeting prior to submitting their application.
Anyone wanting more information, or who would like to be considered as a Parish Councillor should contact the parish office for an information/ application pack.
The closing date: Monday, 19 December 2022
Contact details:
Markfield Parish Council Office, Markfield Community & Sports Centre, Markfield, Leics, LE67 9ST
Tel: 01530 245933