Parish Councillor Vacancy
There are two Parish Councillor vacancies on Markfield Parish Council and this position will be filled by co-option at the meeting of the Council to be held on Tuesday 3rd September 2019, 2013 at 7.30p.m. Markfield Library. Should more than two applications be received for the vacancies, Parish Councillors will decide the appointment by a vote, or series of votes, in order to obtain a majority decision.
To be considered for co-option, applicants must meet at least one of the following criteria:
- Be registered as a Local Government Elector for the Parish on the current Electoral Register.
- Has during the whole of the previous 12months occupied as tenant or owner any land or other premises in the Parish. Or Has had his/her principal or only place of work in the previous 12months in the Parish of Markfield.
- Has resided either in the Parish or within 3 miles thereof during the previous 12 months.
- Must not be disqualified from holding office as a Councillor
A person is disqualified if they:
- Hold any paid office or employment to which they have been appointed by the Council
- Are the subject of a bankruptcy restrictions order or interim order
- Have within five years of the day of co-option been convicted of any offence and has had passed on them a sentence of imprisonment for a period of not less than three months (whether suspended or not) without option of a fine
- Have been found guilty of corrupt or illegal practices or have been responsible for incurring unlawful expenditure and the court orders their disqualification
Applicants should note that Councillors are expected to attend monthly meetings usually on the first Tuesday of the month at 7.30pm and to represent the electors of Markfield in raising and discussing issues of interest on which the Parish Council is empowered to act.
Anyone wishing to be considered for co-option should contact the Clerk to the Council, in writing, at Markfield Parish Council Office, Markfield Community & Sports Centre, Markfield, Leics, LE67 9ST email to: by midday Friday 30th August 2019.