A50 Markfield Road Groby. Resurfacing of the carriageway & traffic signal improvement works.
The purpose of the works is to resurface the carriageway and install/ improved traffic signals at the junction of Lena Drive.
Works will commence on Monday 16th August – 27th September 2021. Breakdown below of the carriageway/sides of the road closed (North bound & South bound).
Week commencing 16th August Monday-Friday. Full south bound carriageway closed to traffic. North bound carriageway open to traffic.
Week commencing 23rd August Monday-Friday. Full north bound carriageway closed to traffic. South bound carriageway open to traffic.
Week commencing 30th August Monday-Friday. Full south bound carriageway closed to traffic. North bound carriageway open to traffic.
Week commencing 6th September Monday-Friday. Full south bound carriageway closed to traffic. North bound carriageway open to traffic.
Week commencing 13th September Monday-Friday. Full south bound carriageway closed to traffic. North bound carriageway open to traffic.
To enable the contractors to safely carry out the works the road will be closed at night between the hours of 20:00 – 06:00AM to all traffic on the A50 Markfield Road, Groby.
Access into/out of Lena Drive will be maintained (safely within reason) with traffic marshals on site to direct local traffic and assist with access to properties.
Please refer to the plan for the closure extents and diversion route.
The road closure and our resurfacing works will commence at 20:00 – 06:00am on the affected nights. Outside of these times the roads will be re-opened to traffic.
Should you have any queries concerning these works please contact me on the number detailed above or email .
- The proposed diversion route for non-motorway traffic will be via: Launde Road, Ratby Lane, Markfield; Markfield Road, Groby Road.
- Sacheverell Way Ratby; Sacheverell Way, Leicester Road, Markfield Road, Bradgate Hill, Groby and in the reverse direction of travel.